Corporation details - Organized-Chaos [OR-CH]
Alliance: None CEO: Yulana Oxilla
Kills: 5 HQ:
Losses: 1 Members: 11
ISK destroyed: 2.82B Shares: 9000
ISK lost: 0.09B Tax Rate: 5.0000000745058%
Efficiency: 96.82% Website:
u' \u261c\u2606\u261e O R G A N I Z E D - C H A O S \u261c\u2606\u261e
\u2605 Now Recruiting \u2605

Organized-Chaos is an European Timezone 0,0/highsec corporation.
Our 0,0 department is located in an Amarr space region called
Providence. Together with our current alliance \'\'Apocalypse Now\'\'
that holds sov we offer nice mining grounds and PvP through

Our Highsec department is located in a domain system called
Bittanshal. Here you can do level 4 missions or go mining with Orca

We offer:
[\u221a] 0,0 sov
[\u221a] PvP Lowsec / Nullsec Roams through Providence with the Corp or Alliance.
[\u221a] Full 0,0 Mining boost with nice AB and C ores.
[\u221a] Manufacuring / Industry / Trading.
[\u221a] Active Alliance.
[\u221a] Teamspeak 3 acces.
[\u221a] Ship replacement program.

[\u221a] Level 4 missions.
[\u221a] Highsec mining with Orca boost.

Joining requirements:
- Trial Accounts Not Accepted
- Characters Less Than 4 months Not Accepted
- Must Speak English
- Willing to help with out in corporation efforts.
- Team player.
- Must Like To Chat With Other Corporation Members.
- Willing to use Teamspeak 3 ( At least to listen in fleet )
- Limited API may be requested.

For Recruitment and Diplomacy, contact
Yulana Oxilla or Dostinus
Brashar Bheskagor ( out of game website )'
Most violent systems
December 2024
All time
1 Mya (0.4) 3
2 Auga (0.4) 2
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio