Corporation details - Mission Mining Corp [-MMC-]
Alliance: None CEO: Aria Sutakeshi
Kills: 3 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 8
ISK destroyed: 2.41B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 25%
Efficiency: 100.00% Website:
What we are not:
. Pirates . Thieves . Macrominers . Geeks . Nags . Nerds . Gankers . Disloyal

What we are:
. Miners and Mission Runners
. Researchers and Producers
. Scanners and Explorers
. PvPer and Nice Guys

What we are doing:
. Play EVE (and, of course, some other games, depends on our members!) and have lots of fun.
. Looking for a piece own space and work together with our corpmates, friends, allies and naps
. We want to find on our journey through the eve universum new friends, mates and, of course, allies
. We are true invite only. Sorry, but unrequested applications will _not_ accepted.

Thanks CCP for developing a game called EVE!

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Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio