Corporation details - Free-Space-Ranger [FSR]
Alliance: None CEO: Nathan Yates
Kills: 37 HQ:
Losses: 1 Members: 34
ISK destroyed: 256.16B Shares: 300002
ISK lost: 0.33B Tax Rate: 0.99999997764826%
Efficiency: 99.87% Website:
Free-Space-Ranger [FSR]

We are in hibernation mode.
As of July 2020 All active eve operations were moved to
Liga Freier Terraner .

As always you can find us out of eve on discord, ts3 or our website.


Public Channel: Free-Space
Most violent systems
December 2024
All time
1 M-OEE8 (0.0) 8
2 Harroule (0.1) 7
3 UQ9-3C (0.0) 5
4 Martoh (0.4) 3
5 LGUZ-1 (0.0) 2
6 Vlillirier (0.3) 2
7 W-QN5X (0.0) 2
8 0-O2UT (0.0) 1
9 2CG-5V (0.0) 1
10 EIDI-N (0.0) 1
11 FD-MLJ (0.0) 1
12 GE-8JV (0.0) 1
13 IPAY-2 (0.0) 1
14 JURU-T (0.0) 1
15 MK-YNM (0.0) 1
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio