Corporation details - Brotherhood of Heart and Steel [B-HS]
Alliance: None CEO: Dope Boy
Kills: 1 HQ:
Losses: 1 Members: 49
ISK destroyed: 0.04B Shares: 6000
ISK lost: 0.05B Tax Rate: 11.999999731779%
Efficiency: 45.54% Website:
We welcome players interested in all aspects of New Eden. PVP, Industry, Mining and Trading. We are PvPers, Miners and Builders but when situation arises we are always here to protect each other, our Brotherhood and everybody affiliated with us.

A Corporation born in highsec but raised in nullsec. Our goals, structure and people create something that you won't see among any other corporations in EVE. BHS is a new pilot friendly Corp that helps new players in EVE master the art of PvP or any other profession throught he experience of good people and epic situations.

If you have any questions about joining us please contact
Dope Boy or join "BHS REC" and talk to one of our recruiters. If you're an old member or a friend and just want to chat join "B-HS Pub".

What we require:
-> 5mil+ skill points(Any less than this and your experience in 0.0 won't leave a good impression)
-> NO TRIAL Accounts, you must submit a FULL account level API key with no expiration.
-> TeamSpeak 3 with mic
-> You must be willing to move to our 0.0 sov space
-> Have friendly and mature behavior with corporation, alliance, and coalition members
-> No piracy, it's not the kind of people we want
-> No scamming, again not the character of pilot we are looking for

What we offer:
-> Small Gang, Alliance, Fleet, and Coalition PvP (Fleets from 10 people all the way up to 500+)
-> Alliance sovereignty in safe pocket
-> Fantastic ratting/plexing available in Multiple profitable systems alliance sov space to work out of
-> We are not a renter Alliance, we own our space
-> Friendly and helpful members with activity in all time zones
All kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Cerberus Unleashed
Placid, Ostingele (0.2)
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio