Corporation details - House of Praetor [HOP]
Alliance: None CEO: Mahjorn
Kills: 7 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 21
ISK destroyed: 219.88B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 15.000000596046%
Efficiency: 100.00% Website:
u'RECRUITMENT by Invitation ONLY.

0.0 Corp for those who want to participate in and support Null Sec PvP!

PvP Roams, Home Defense and Sov Warfare!
\u221a Great corp for null sec PvP.
\u221a True team atmosphere. Corpmates who stick together and help each other!
\u221a Opportunities to mine and make money ratting.
\u221a This WILL be the best corp you have ever been in.

(Don\'t let your previous experience in 0.0 hold you back! The Corp you are in matters!)

- A 0.0 Corp built to succeed. Leadership that wants you to succeed at your EVE goals.
- PvP in a corp that understands you also want and need to make isk!
- Mining in a corp that built and OWNS it\'s Station Outpost!
- Discuss the game and grow in EVE... learn together with your teammates.
- Great place for returning players and new players (12M SP min)

What do our members enjoy?
- Team oriented leadership
- Small scale and Alliance scale PvP
- Rorqual support for miners
- Protected space to rat for isk
- Courier runs to empire to get your supplies
- The security of being in an Alliance of corps

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from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio