Corporation details - Tyrathlion Interstellar [TYRIN]
Alliance: None CEO: Morwen Lagann
Kills: 36 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 13
ISK destroyed: 0.16B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 3.999999910593%
Efficiency: 100.00% Website:
A small corporation dedicated to the research and analysis of emergent and existential threats to the New Eden cluster, Tyrathlion Interstellar was founded in August YC113 as the spacebound arm of the Tyrathlion family estate with the intent of serving not only as a vessel to further the family's business interests, but also as a point of contact for the capsuleer community.

Business inquiries, as well as questions regarding diplomacy and other matters, should be directed to either the CEO,
Morwen Lagann, or her director, Keta Lindur.

Recruitment is open to close friends and family, and by invitation only otherwise, subject to direct approval from the CEO.

Tyrathlion Interstellar pilots are authorized to engage, at their discretion, vessels marked as legal targets in accordance with the "Crimewatch" section of CONCORD's Proposal 4457.051, also known as the "Retribution Act". If you believe you have been engaged in combat in high-security space by one of our pilots in violation of this "safety-on" or "green-light" engagement policy, please contact CEO
Morwen Lagann with the relevant details, including CONCORD-authenticated kill reports and recovered combat logs.

Tyrathlion Interstellar is a proud member of the
Arataka Research Consortium.
Most violent systems
February 2025
All time
1 Amarr (1.0) 13
2 Niarja (0.5) 10
3 Ashab (0.9) 8
4 Madirmilire (0.6) 4
5 Boranai (0.9) 1
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio