Corporation details - TURN LEFT [C4MEL]
Alliance: None CEO: X Communicated
Kills: 8 HQ:
Losses: 6 Members: 29
ISK destroyed: 132.89B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.56B Tax Rate: 0%
Efficiency: 99.58% Website:
In space, shit never hits the fan.

Recruitment contact:
l0rd Carlos
In case of any diplomatic disputes contact : Fistymcbumbardier

Join "C4MEL Public" for smacking us :)

[16:54:03] Dust Hunter > only noobs and faggots in this corp.....Im leaving

[20:17:09] Xintri Ra'Virr > You fly with Turn Left?
[20:18:11] Xintri Ra'Virr > They are PLs cyno blobbers

[10:27:08] Leelo dallasmultipas > turn left is tottal garbage and they will only engage f they hace
[10:27:16] Leelo dallasmultipas > more umbers ns amore bonuses and all that trast
[10:27:29] Niart Gunn > [10:23:35] Leelo dallasmultipas > learn english noob

[08:49:12] Haoibuni > TURN LEFT: U HAVE BEEN REJECTED :-) . HAVE A NICE Day. bunch of pricks
Most violent systems
March 2025
All time
1 KBP7-G (0.0) 3
2 J100001 (0.0) 2
3 Dodixie (0.9) 1
4 Ostingele (0.2) 1
5 Yulai (1.0) 1
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio