Corporation details - Forge Industrial Command [FGCMD]
Alliance: None CEO: Derek Merch
Kills: 14 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 10
ISK destroyed: 5.69B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 2.5000000372529%
Efficiency: 100.00% Website: http://
Forge Industrial Command -
L & XL Ship Manufacturing and large mining ops.

We Can Do Better Together Than Against.
We consider everyone to be a potential ally until they prove themselves otherwise.

Derek Merch With any questions.

-=PVE and Indy Training.
-=Relatively laid back.
-=Discord server
-=Newbro friendly & open
-=Ship support
-=Members have a voice in Corp management

Like a good neighbor,
-=Cobalt Pubchat=- is here!
Top Scorers
March 2025
Pilot Points
All time
Pilot Points
Jarkovin 1. Jarkovin 328
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio