Corporation details - E.C.H.O. [3HC0.]
Alliance: None CEO: Callisto Stormborn
Kills: 74 HQ:
Losses: 9 Members: 122
ISK destroyed: 4.95B Shares: 25000
ISK lost: 2.54B Tax Rate: 11.999999731779%
Efficiency: 66.05% Website:
E.C.H.O. is a corporation that thrives on the diversity and ingenuity of all its members.

We are a corporation that banded together to provide enriched and enjoyable game play. Looking for newbros and veterans alike, nullsec and wormhole space and training newbros into weapons of war and Industry! Great infrastructure both in game and out of game. Solid veterans to help newbros succeed.

Diplomatic Communication:
Corporation / Alliance opportunities and joint ventures (Diplo): Ticy Phenyll Miranda Leigh
Time Sensitive and Combat Support Requests (High Priority Requests): Miranda Leigh, Ticy Phenyll
Industry and Material Requests: Miranda Leigh
Standings Requests: Miranda Leigh

For recruitment opportunities please join:
E.C.H.0. PUB.
10 Most recent kills

No data.

10 Most recent losses

No data.

Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio