Corporation details - Flames Of Chaos [F1AME]
Alliance: Great Wildlands Conservation Society CEO: Akballah Kassan
Kills: 6 HQ:
Losses: 1 Members: 33
ISK destroyed: 0.19B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 0%
Efficiency: 100.00% Website:
u'PvP Corp - NULL SEC TARGETS! - Recruitment selective.

Looking for bloodthirsty pilots in the E.U Timezone who are interested in -

micro/small gang \'hit and run\' PvP
hunting cheating botters
ESS Stealing/Fights
occasional sov trolling for content and annoyance.

Our primary goal is to harass and demoralise voluntary space serfs (Renters) -
Down with Space Feudalism! We are not \'elite\' and do not care about killboard stats as long as PvP is your primary goal in game and you are, like us, sick of all the null sec power bloc overlords and their rental empires.

Must have a functioning mic and preferably an isk source to fund losses. As the saying goes - only fly what you can afford to lose!

If this sounds interesting get in contact with
Akballah Kassan in game or join our publc channel F1AME

Raison d\u2019etre - Down with Space Feudalism!

Ever since mankind crawled out of the primordial slime and established itself as the dominant species in the known universe it has had a continual tendency to create hierarchal structures based upon the enslavement of the majority by the few. There are many means to accomplish this, religion, finance and brute force being the usual suspects. With the advancement of technology mankind colonized the stars but still persisted with Empires and slavery when these new found technologies could have freed everybody.

Then the \u2018great leap forward\u2019 in mankind occurred, the emergence of the capsuleer. Thousands of these near immortals set off into uncharted space to create their own utopias, free from the constraints of the four established space empires of humankind. Yet even as these new frontier colonies were being seeded in the stars the very same pyramid structures of old started to form within the capsuleer community. Strong alliances started to swallow up the weak or tie them in feudal bondage, creating a multitude of new space tyrants in the process.

Some capsuleers are now so submissive they are even willing to pay to join the \u2018safety\u2019 that these alliances supposedly offer. Stability is a basic want of humankind but Capsuleer\u2019s should be beyond this way of thinking. To be virtually immortal, and yet still be of the mindset that you should for some reason offer yourself as a voluntary serf or \u2018pet\u2019 of another, for supposed protection, is an affront to any right minded Capsuleer. With the fear of death banished we need to seek the thrill of chaos and change. Without it we travel the route to boredom, stagnation and the death of joy.

This is the reason all rental empires need to be destroyed, to free voluntary serfs from their self imposed bonds. We will be the
\u2018Flames of Chaos\u2019 that help spread fire throughout the galaxy until they burn away. Down with Space Feudalism!'
All kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Etherium Reach, PX-IHN (0.0)
Etherium Reach, PX-IHN (0.0)
Etherium Reach, PX-IHN (0.0)
Great Wildlands, E02-IK (0.0)
Brothers of Tangra
The Spire, H4X-0I (0.0)
Vexor Navy Issue
Brothers of Tangra
The Spire, H4X-0I (0.0)
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio