Corporation details - Wombolshevik SSR [WOMBS]
Alliance: None CEO: Boris Borisovich Borodin
Kills: 2 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 34
ISK destroyed: 111.84B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 5.0000000745058%
Efficiency: 100.00% Website:
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Public Channel:
WOM Public

Formerly the Grand Duchy of Whommlunde, the Wombolshevik SSR came into being after the relatively bloodless coup d\'etat of \'Bloody Monday\' in which over 40% of the population survived. A socialist splinter group known as the Wombolsheviks took upon themselves the role as vanguard party for the revolution at hand, which was to be carried out under Marxist-Wombartist doctrines. The years proceeding the revolution were those of peace and prosperity, especially after the execution squads ran out of bullets and were forced to use eco-friendly means of oppression such as biodegradeable bayonets made of compressed kale and gluten-free gulag rations. General Secretary
Wombartos ruled with a gentle benevolence oft compared to the original unifier of Whommlunde, Whommuk the Genocidal. After the first 5-year plan for agriculture, farms were entirely eradicated in mass burnings, ending an unecessary drain on the economy. Further savings were made by National Decree 61 - that food was no longer necessary to sustain life. Wombartos took the burden upon himself to personally eat all remaining foodstuffs in order to eradicate the capitalist construct entirely.

Due to a recent decline in the population, believed to be a capitalist birth control plot engineered through long range radio waves, the General Secretary in all his wisdom has deigned to allow foreign nationals to become Wombolshoi citizens. Upon swearing an oath of alliegance and handing over any contraband turnips, they are guaranteed to find immediate employment in the steel mills working 7 day 16 hour shifts (you won\'t find those kind of solid hours in a Kapitalist society comrade!). Wages are paid in party propaganda pamplets.

Report all fifth columnists to
Boris Borisovich Borodin.

\u041f\u043e\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0430! \u262d '
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