Corporation details - Reikoku Enforcers [RKENF]
Alliance: None CEO:
Kills: 1 HQ:
Losses: 3 Members: 0
ISK destroyed: 0.03B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.33B Tax Rate: 5.0000000745058%
Efficiency: 7.36% Website:
Enforcers enter the fray!

Killboard: Reikoku Enforcers
Corp contacts: Jaro Exile, Triggers0.

Reikoku Enforcers
is a PvP group focused on capital warfare.

We can help you increase your effectiveness in key roles such as interceptor-tackle, interdictor/HIC-bubbler, recon, logistics, etc.
If your goal is
to improve your PvP skills and understanding of game mechanics, to become more than an F1 pusher, then...

You've come to the right place!

We operate both in the EU and US timezones, alongside our partners in the alliance and coalition.

In order to apply, we need you to be:
- PvP focused (we don't look for ratters/miners to raise ADMs here);
- self-sufficient (doesen't mean you can krab for days);
- Interdictor+HIC training is mandatory in order to be accepted. We require you to have a few dictors and at least one HIC ready to go.
- be willing to train yourself/an alt into a dread/FAX.

If you wish to join us, come on RKENF Pub or send a mail to one of the corp contacts listed above.

Our corp is responsible for catching:
Kill: LT Maxinio (Wyvern)
Kill: Otaki Akashi (Rorqual)
Kill: Salacious Dube (Hel)

Kill: Jay Bree (Obelisk)
Catching the prey is by far the most important part of a successful hunt. Otherwise there wouldn't be anything to kill :)

Enforcing our name into the game! Join us!

Most violent systems
March 2025
All time
1 XVV-21 (0.0) 1
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio