Corporation details - Material Development Syndicate [MTDV]
Alliance: None CEO: Matthew Herall
Kills: 4 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 19
ISK destroyed: 0.49B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 10.000000149012%
Efficiency: 100.00% Website: http://
The purpose of the Material Development Syndicate is to provide industrial and PVE opportunities to new bros and seasoned vets in a fun community with opportunity for advancement.

We Help New Bros:

- Mining Frigate and Fully Fitted PVE Frigate for your Race

- Ship Replacement Initiative

Any tech 1 frigate or destroyer lost during corporation activities is guaranteed to be replaced by the corp wallet.

- We teach basics of Mining, Industry, PVE, and PVP


- No Assholes. In-corp drama and malice will NOT be tolerated.

- If there is a problem with another member of the corp, email your complaint to Executive Officer Norvic Cadelanne.

- Our Corporation has a 5% tax. This covers ship replacements, starter ships and equipment, and allows for our corp to grow and add new programs.
All losses

No data.

Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio