Alliance: | None | CEO: | HuntedMaster | |
Kills: | 0 | HQ: | ||
Losses: | 2 | Members: | 12 | |
ISK destroyed: | 0.00B | Shares: | 1000 | |
ISK lost: | 0.02B | Tax Rate: | 10.000000149012% | |
Efficiency: | 0% | Website: | http:// |
If you want something ask HuntedMaster
We studs pvp in eve only - random commorant pilot in null on a gate
When hunted never gets back to you then contact Chinch Darine at your own risk.
We studs pvp in eve only - random commorant pilot in null on a gate
When hunted never gets back to you then contact Chinch Darine at your own risk.
0 Ships killed (0M ISK)
2 Ships lost (16.06M ISK)
All kills
No data.