Corporation details - Gregarious Games Mechanized Federation [GG-MF]
Alliance: Solyaris Chtonium CEO: Vekko Solo
Kills: 8 HQ:
Losses: 4 Members: 257
ISK destroyed: 0.41B Shares: 5000
ISK lost: 0.06B Tax Rate: 10.000000149012%
Efficiency: 86.63% Website:
[GG-MF] Good Game-Mother F**Ker

Thank you for taking an interest in GG-MF. We are industry/pvp focused corp in Slyces home region of Etherium Reach.

We are currently recruiting more pilots with a focus on pvp to defend our home. We have plenty to offer with good PI planets, an ice belt, plenty of ratting systems, fully rigged structures, r4-r64 moons, and anything else you could need. Etherium Reach is also a very busy region with plenty of combat opportunities should your bloodlust need sating. And all of that is just in our home and the surrounding constellation.

The alliance offers many more opportunities and services that you can expect from a major alliance. SRP, safety and intel networks, well stocked markets, and cheap jump freighter services to name a few.

We are constantly expanding and changing our space and need pilots to help turn our small corp into something even more impressive and make a name for ourselves in the universe.

Life comes first, we all understand this just a game. At the same time this is a team. We expect a basic level of participation. If you only want to log in a couple times a month this is not the corp to you. We have a high sec corp for that.

Antaresia Zhizhu
Sethos Tragovian
jpm Mikakka
Cide Hel'nurath

Recruitment Office:
GG-MF Public

-> "This is why I hate this area dude.", 3TEARS

-> "
My favorite corp.....". Modern Inferno
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Perrigen Falls, M5NO-B (0.0)
I: 27 C: 0
Perrigen Falls, M5NO-B (0.0)
I: 12 C: 0
10 Most recent losses
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Solyaris Chtonium
Etherium Reach, 8KE-YS (0.0)
I: 9 C: 0
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio