Corporation details - Dalcari Fleet Mining Operations [DFMO]
Alliance: None CEO: Adria Saissore
Kills: 0 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 1
ISK destroyed: 0.00B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 0.89999996125698%
Efficiency: 0% Website: http://

(Computer): 'A description of what we know from the data chip';

Traders Threat Level: Unknown Fleet Size: Unknown

Originating from the Zuxan Prime colony in the unknown regions of space, the Dalcari family has a long history.

Originally merchants & farmers, these men and women did their best to survive the acidic rain, flesh eating predators, and corrupt government of Zuxan Prime.

Through hard work in the industrial field, Gurlax Dalcari (elder of the Dalcari tribe), came up with a new design for respiratory microchip enhancements. The design was so popular that Vlushwig X9, leader at the time of the Zuxan Government, put a 9 million Xun bounty on the head of Gurlax when he refused to share his knowledge.

The Dalcari family was forced to flee, and on the Acidic Eve gathered what supplies and ships they could, and made plans to leave Zuxan Prime.

To the suprise of Gurlax, the elders of many local families who resided in the surrounding camps, followed him and took an oath dedicating themselves to the fleet.

The escape was bloody; as soon as the Dalcari fleet reached the atmosphere Vlushwig met them himself, in a Capital Scourge Class Battleship, with a fleet of Xyxon Interceptors.

A great battle ensued, and over 60% of the Dalcari fleet was either destroyed or forced to crash land on the surface of Zuxan Prime.

Gurlax programmed co-ordinates set to take the fleet to a far away star system, given in secret by the Rushjan Seers. Just as the co ordinates were set, a great warp disruptor was deployed from the enemy Battleship blocking the fleet's jump.

With one final valiant act, Gurlax Dalcari activated a bomb he had designed in the cargo hold of his ship and flew towards the disruption device, crashing into it in a fiery blast of destruction.

The route was now clear, and to the shock of Vlushwig the outlaws dissapeared at the speed of light into a black void.

The warp was long, and eventually the fleet arrived at a eerie system, with a purple sun and several planets.

The fleet was now without a leader, and it was decided that Gurlax's brother Jurthan would take command.

After scanning a nearby planet's atmoshpere, the fleet landed and over the following months established a basic colony. Many years passed, and the Dalcari numbers grew.

The ancient seer's premonition was correct; this distant planet had resources and a climate like no other, and the system was named 'Caldari' space.

Thousands of years passed to where we find ourselves today; the current time and much has changed.

Over many years, the Dalcari fleet began scouting the surrounding star systems and incorporated them into the Caldari space.

The ancestor of Gurlax, Jayde Dalcari now leads the Dalcari fleet through mining and industrial operations. Caldari space is broken up into several factions, with local warlords competing for power. The Dalcari family have a claim to the region and are currently building their industry and recruiting miners of all backgrounds, to take back what is rightfully there's

The fleet may return to it's former glory, in time.
*Transmission Ends*
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from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio