Corporation details - Tainted Gaming [TAGAM]
Alliance: None CEO: Rhade DeLouv
Kills: 1 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 12
ISK destroyed: 0.00B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 5.0000000745058%
Efficiency: 100.00% Website: http://
Recruiting players for Faction War. We are a gaming community, and we play other games alongside eve from time to time. We require no online times, no required fleet hours, nothing. You play your way, when you want to. All we ask is that you understand faction war or desire to learn the mechanics of it, and you have a positive attitude.
We do not condone the ganking of high sec miners or other players. That being said, safety is off if you have negative standing with the corporation.
Rhade Delouv or Jazlin Quorra Eden for standings information for corporation.

If you are interested in this corporation, feel free to join our channels below, or shoot us an application describing why you are interested in us. Chances are you will fit right in.

Fleeting Opportunities:
As is with faction war, there will be militia fleets available almost always. The corporation will also host smaller fleets to do our thing. We also run missions for "chips" to supplement our ships and wallet.

Forbidden Acts:
We do not tolerate the ganking of peaceful miners. Negative standings are an exception. Disrespectful chat/activity towards corp members is strictly forbidden. Keep FW and local mature and professional.

We strive to provide content and direction for our members. Our actions reflect our moral standings and we want to provide community and friendship with those we have contact with, even those we pvp against. Our overall goal is to have fun. At the end of the day, Eve is a game.

Corp Recruiters and Diplomats:
Rhade Delouv
Jazlin Quorra Ede

TG Recruitment
TG Diplomacy
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Jazlin Quorra Eden 1. Jazlin Quorra Eden 1
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