Corporation details - New Eden Fight Club [NE-FC]
Alliance: None CEO: Leigh Ming
Kills: 5 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 17
ISK destroyed: 1.74B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 5.0000000745058%
Efficiency: 100.00% Website:

New Eden Fight Club

Corp Info:

1. Our "PvP Meta" prioritizes convinient, constant fun for all pilot's, regardless of skill level, experience, or investment.

2. Red vs Blue PvP is in 4 system's, we PvP & PvE together outside of the RvB PvP Pocket.

3. Pilot's prioritize the stockpile and use of MANY low cost ship's for RvB PvP, and some Non-RvB PvP type's.

4. Work our way up over time at our own pace's to Battlecruiser's, Battleship's, Etc

5. PvE fleet's are up often for various type's of content.

6. Many Veteran's prioritize bringing new Pilot's into harder content for much higher reward's with fleet support.

7. Be a part of and build an amazing community within New Eden.

8. Learn our way's while we progress as a corporation & individual's.

9. Podding corporation member's is not allowed. Any member who pod's another will need to reimburse the pod or they will be kicked & banned.

10. Attacking corporation member's outside of the RvB PvP pocket is against our rule's, and though we can attack one another anywhere without penalty from CONCORD, this will see a Pilot kicked from corp & banned from Discord.

11. Marauder's using the Bastion Module are banned from the RvB PvP Pocket unless pre-approved by RvB Command for an event, etc.

12. Snake, Halo, and Mimesis implant's are banned from use in RvB PvP.

13. All other implant's are allowed, primarily for convinient PvE usage.

14. All pilot's are expected to prioritize balancing ship usage to not intentionally stack bonuses for every engagment.

Example: Using crystal's while only using shield rep bonus ship's.

Requirements to join:
- Discord
- Microphone
- Team Player
- Respect other's & follow rule's
- Have fun!

How to apply & for more info:
Join our Discord server.

Ask anyime via Public Chat NEFC, or discord #public-chat.
Top Scorers
February 2025
Pilot Points
All time
Pilot Points
DanBoucher 1. DanBoucher 302
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio