Corporation details - Astral Acquisitions Inc. [AST-A]
Alliance: None CEO: Dinklebray
Kills: 7 HQ:
Losses: 8 Members: 330
ISK destroyed: 0.62B Shares: 100000
ISK lost: 0.35B Tax Rate: 5.0000000745058%
Efficiency: 63.79% Website:
u'Recruitement Video

Highly Active High-Sec EU Corp with Community PVP Fleets!

Brand new? Returning vet? We Want you!
Alpha Accounts Welcome!

\u263b CONTENT! We have varied fleets most days!
\u263b Friendship Fleets Community PvP fleets EVERY WEEKEND!
\u263b Special Events Cap drops, Meme Fleets, Theme Fleets
\u263b Multiple PvE + PvP Fleets every week.
\u263b Isk-per-hour? Who cares? How much FUN-per-hour?!
\u263b SRP for corp fleets
\u263b No politics, CTA\'s, quotas, or requirements!
\u263b Guides and Teaching for everyone!
\u263b Epic Tournaments!
\u263b Highly Active Mining/Industry community
\u263b Buyback program for mining/PI/salvage/blue loot
\u263b Not war eligible

Wanna try before you join?
Try our public Friendship Fleets!!
Apply or join as a guest on Discord:'
10 Most recent kills

No data.

10 Most recent losses

No data.

Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio