Corporation details - New Edem Bank for Reconstruction and Development [BNKEM]
Alliance: None CEO: Kizka
Kills: 0 HQ:
Losses: 2 Members: 11
ISK destroyed: 0.00B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.02B Tax Rate: 0%
Efficiency: 0% Website:
Our corporation has a number of investment projects, including in the field of entertainment and bioengineering.
Now in development are a
holographic model of artificial reality modulating an avatar Amarr princess, as well as a number of other celebrities and high-ranking nobles of the royal dynasty.
These are high-quality products that are now used as sexual pleasures.
The increased demand for this kind of products is now observed especially among the "
rusty" amid the aggravation of interstate wars, and as a result it promises instant monetization, enrichment, as well as significant profits in the future. Not only in finance, but also in public and political life. Since such innovative products undoubtedly affect the morale of the people of the Republic of Minmatar, a lot of money is invested in these developments. In particular, the leading scientists of AIR Laboratories Corporation are conducting research to find the correlation of facial features of a female and her vagina for the most accurate subjective detail. Since such piquant details of high-ranking persons are kept in the strictest secrecy.
The remaining details of these studies are not advertised in the public sphere for reasons of ethics and morality. Other well-known corporations such as
Duvolle Laboratories and The Sanctuary are also involved in this project.
If you are interested in investing in this project, contact the sales department, we will sell you shares of our corporation, those that promise you big profits in the future. We also promise our first shareholders the first copies of the Substantial Astral Projection of the Amarr Princess as a gift.

New Eden Bank for Reconstruction and Development from Jita Director on Vimeo.
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from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio