Corporation details - Veni Vidi Vici Reloaded [V3.R]
Alliance: None CEO: Kalli Rahl
Kills: 0 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 75
ISK destroyed: 0.00B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 10.000000149012%
Efficiency: 0% Website:
u'Veni Vidi Vici Reloaded, was formed by a collection of corps from the V3 Alliance, we still uphold our traditional values from V3 Alliance that has kept it going for 4 - 5 years. V3.R is a multifaceted corporation, involved in most aspects of what Eve has to offer. This keeps the game interesting for the long term.

Corp summary
- Active PvP (NBSI in home space, Anti-pirate in empire)
- Established industry and mining
- Established 0.0 home
- Teamspeak, killboards, and forums
- Friendly \u201chere to have fun\u201d outlook
- Mature membership
- Anti-smack (we respect and honour friend and foe alike)
- Active supportive corp and membership

Public Channel, V3.R Public

Splinter 07

***Please note V3.R is currently discontinued untill further notice***'
10 Most recent kills

No data.

10 Most recent losses

No data.

Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio