Corporation details - 3 Ores Down [3-O-D]
Alliance: None CEO: Dwight Bhyorgan
Kills: 0 HQ:
Losses: 2 Members: 4
ISK destroyed: 0.00B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.05B Tax Rate: 10.000000149012%
Efficiency: 0% Website:
Do you like to have fun? We like to have fun. Want to come and have fun with us? Hit us up in our recruitment channel because Eve is much more fun with other people! 3OD Drinkery
10 Most recent kills

No data.

10 Most recent losses

No data.

Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio