Corporation details - Svarog Liberi [-SVLI]
Alliance: The Initiative. CEO: Gabriell Bemenacth
Kills: 18 HQ:
Losses: 1 Members: 42
ISK destroyed: 0.72B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.34B Tax Rate: 10.000000149012%
Efficiency: 68.11% Website:
Svarog Liberi, Glorified Kybernauts since Pochven's inception, and wardens of Kuharah, strive to make manifest the Will of Zorya. We enact Her will through your Exterpation. Thus, you may be Glorified. Not only of those who venture to Pochven, but also to prepare those who are unwilling, living safely in New Eden.

Svarog Liberi's stated goal is to provide good (Not fair) fights to all we can. We hope to contribute to Pochvens small gang and solo culture by providing mature respectfull players with good fights, and arrogant little twats with very one sided borderline abusive fights. If one of our members is being a salty twat in local, please tell me. I would like to spank him.

We are not actively recruitng, but are open for additions to our little community. We take our time to specialize in all branches of eve, and do it well. If you wish to fill a nice within a positive selfsufficient alliance thats not to big but can hold its own, SVLI might be the place for you.

We recruit on a recommendation basis. In practise this means you need to fly with one of us, and get to know us, to be considered. Put the effort in, and you'll find us more then willing to show you around Pochven and help you on your road to self sufficiency. SVLI as a group donates group pvp loot to the corp to fund small gang doctrine hulls. We dont offer SRP. We rework people who work smart, not hard.

Contact anyone in SVLI if you want to know abit more about ways to get involved, but in particular,
Olivia Arctica, Cosmic Estidal, Saraf 0-1 and Kylon Olgidar

Pochven Provides

Diplo - Olivia Arctica
10 Most recent kills

No data.

10 Most recent losses
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Covert Ops
Metropolis, Krirald (0.2)
I: 2 C: 0
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio