Corporation details - Grey Templars [GRTP]
Alliance: None CEO: jita me Odunen
Kills: 11 HQ:
Losses: 3 Members: 13
ISK destroyed: 229.94B Shares: 29000
ISK lost: 0.45B Tax Rate: 10.000000149012%
Efficiency: 99.81% Website:
u'Grey Templars would like your help growing our team.

Grey Templars can offer you:

\u2022 Member of a PvP Alliance
\u2022 Not Blue Shoot It (NBSI) Policy \u2013 Lots of juicy targets to get your pew pew on
\u2022 Small Gang roams as well as fleet PvP Operations
\u2022 PvP Opportunities \u2013 Combat fleets operations available around the clock daily.
\u2022 A tight knit group of mature and relaxed players
\u2022 Industrial support for BPO research, BPC creation and manufacturing
\u2022 Access to plenty of excellent 0.0 space to explore and shoot up

What we are looking for:

\u2022 Pilots from all Time Zones
\u2022 Combat Pilots (If you are new to PvP that\u2019s okay)
\u2022 Pilots that are Open Minded to new ideas
\u2022 Pilots that want to participate in Corporation and Alliance Operations. We are a PvP Corporation and that is what we do.
\u2022 Pilots who are team players who can work within the Corporation and Alliance to achieve the goals of the group.
\u2022 Pilots who are willing and able to maintain a decent kill / loss ratio
\u2022 We pride ourselves on our statistics and expect our members to do as well.
\u2022 Willing to have fun, regardless if it\u2019s a small gang roam, fleet operations or camping gates
\u2022 A working headset or speakers\u2026 This is a MUST for fleets\u2026
\u2022 We use TeamSpeak and Mumble for communications, Need to be able to hear fleet commands

For recruitment or more information about Grey Templars, please contact
Eka Sina or Necr0n 99

Please stop by our public channel :
GRTP Public

Here you can find more recruiters and corp members for a nice chat.

\u201cAim for the impossible and you will achieve the improbable.\u201d
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Tactical Destroyer
Goonswarm Federation
Black Rise, Martoh (0.4)
I: 35 C: 0
10 Most recent losses

No data.

Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio