Corporation details - Ascendance [ASCEE]
Alliance: Goonswarm Federation CEO: Major Sniper
Kills: 28 HQ:
Losses: 21 Members: 2792
ISK destroyed: 6.31B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 1.39B Tax Rate: 15.000000596046%
Efficiency: 81.96% Website:
RISE above the Rest! Join Ascendance

Be a part of one of the fastest-growing and most diverse corporations in EVE!
Ascendance is a proud member of Goonswarm Federation and The Imperium, which fields the largest military force ever assembled in a video game.

Ascendance (or ASCEE for short) has a multinational player base with active players in all time zones. We pride ourselves on being a professional, friendly culture and maintain those friendships outside of the game. Our leadership structure is here to make sure you can play EVE however you want to play it.

A life in ASCEE means you have access to a range of services, including but not limited to the following:

* Small-scale PVP, including home defense
* Capital and supercapital warfare
* Get paid* to PVP with generous combined alliance and corp ship replacement programs (SRP) *subject to market pricing
* Active forum, chat and voice communication
* FC training programs
* Boosted Mining Fleets
* Great PvE space
* Supercapital shipyards
* The largest trade hub outside of high security space
* Nullsec and lowsec Incursion fleets
* Special interest groups for nearly every EVE activity

To Apply Join:
Ascendance recruitment and follow the MOTD.

Ascendance is a
No Scam corp, If anyone asks you to pay to join, you're being scammed and should contact Triab.

Major Sniper
Chief of Staff: Triab

Recruitment: Asinnis or Unauth / High-Sec Corp: Andrew Nighthawk
Internal Affairs: Alice Doombringer / Aristotle
Military: Dave Archer
Structures: Alkain Highwind
High Sec Residents should check out our High-Sec Corp Ascendance Rising

In Memorium 2023
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Fade, C4C-Z4 (0.0)
I: 32 C: 0
Fade, C4C-Z4 (0.0)
I: 22 C: 0
Fade, C4C-Z4 (0.0)
I: 26 C: 0
Fade, C4C-Z4 (0.0)
I: 16 C: 0
Black Rise, Rakapas (0.2)
I: 43 C: 0
10 Most recent losses

No data.

Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio