Item details - Dark Blood Xray M
Dark Blood Xray M
Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the xray frequencies. Reduced range. Increased thermal damage.

The delicate crystalline structures used in the manufacture of this advanced crystal degrade with use, eventually causing it to shatter.

25% reduced optimal range.
25% reduced capacitor need.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 1 kg
Volume 1 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Item Damage 0 HP
Structure Hitpoints 1 HP
EM damage 14.399999618530273 HP
Explosive damage 0 HP
Kinetic damage 0 HP
Thermal damage 9.600000381469727 HP
Range bonus 0.75 %
mainColor 9202277
Charge size 2
Used with (Launcher Group) Energy Weapon
Capacitor Need Bonus -25 %
Tech Level 1 Level
Base Shield Damage 0
Base Armor Damage 0
entityFlyRangeMultiplier 0.75
Volatility 1 %
Volatility Damage 0.0002500000118743628 HP
Crystals Take Damage 1
metaGroupID 4
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio