Item details - 'Crop' Gas Cloud Harvester
'Crop' Gas Cloud Harvester
Originally invented and supplied by the pirate organizations of New Eden, the 'Crop' and ‘Plow' Gas Cloud Harvesters once stood as the most advanced pieces of harvesting equipment available. Although they did not offer any improvement in their harvesting yield, the CPU reduction was valued by many who otherwise struggled to fit a full rack of harvesters to cruiser-class vessels. This one small improvement set the two harvesters above the standard, Tech I variant for many years.

All that changed however when new, stable wormholes began proliferating across the cluster. As soon as the wormholes were discovered, so too, were the giant gas cloud pockets within the unknown systems they linked to. In a single day, the demand for Tech II Gas Cloud Harvested exploded. Research projects were hastily established and grants hurriedly thrown out to the most promising firms pursuing a redesign. It was only a few days before a breakthrough was made, and the mighty ‘Crop' and ‘Plow' variants soon took second place to a superior Tech II counterpart that vastly increased the harvesting yield.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 0 kg
Volume 5 m3
Baseprice 9,272 ISK
Activation Cost 10 GJ
Structure Hitpoints 40 HP
Powergrid Usage 2 MW
slots 1
CPU usage 48 tf
Optimal Range 1500 m
Activation time / duration 30000 s
Mining amount 10 m3
Primary Skill required Gas Cloud Harvesting
targetGroup 711
requiredSkill1Level 1
Tech Level 1 Level
Meta Level 1 Level
maxGroupActive 0
disallowEarlyDeactivation 1
typeColorScheme 11346
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio