Guristas Mjolnir Light Missile
An advanced missile with a volatile payload of magnetized plasma, the Mjolnir light missile is specifically engineered to take down shield systems. |
Cargo capacity | 0 m3 | |
Mass | 700 kg | |
Volume | 0.015 m3 | |
Baseprice | 750 ISK |
Structure Hitpoints | 80 HP | |
Maximum Velocity | 3750 m/sec | |
Inertia Modifier | 0.00014449800073634833 x | |
detonationRange | 35 m | |
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance | 1 % | |
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance | 1 % | |
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance | 1 % | |
Structure EM Damage Resistance | 0.800000011920929 % | |
EM damage | 90 HP | |
Explosive damage | 0 HP | |
Kinetic damage | 0 HP | |
Thermal damage | 0 HP | |
Used with (Launcher Group) | Missile Launcher Light | |
Primary Skill required | Light Missiles | |
Secondary Skill required | Missile Launcher Operation | |
requiredSkill1Level | 1 | |
requiredSkill2Level | 1 | |
Maximum Flight Time | 5000 s | |
Tech Level | 1 Level | |
structureUniformity | 1 | |
Meta Level | 1 Level | |
aimedLaunch | 1 | |
Explosion Velocity | 170 m/sec | |
Explosion Radius | 40 m | |
aoeFalloff | 1500 | |
aoeDamageReductionFactor | 0.6039999723434448 | |
aoeDamageReductionSensitivity | 5.5 | |
metaGroupID | 4 |