Void Bomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse upon detonation that neutralizes a portion of the energy in the surrounding vessels. |
Cargo capacity | 0 m3 | |
Mass | 1,000 kg | |
Volume | 75 m3 | |
Baseprice | 2,500 ISK |
Structure Hitpoints | 50 HP | |
Maximum Velocity | 4000 m/sec | |
Inertia Modifier | 0.000025109999114647508 x | |
Neutralization Amount | 1800 GJ | |
Area of effect radius | 15000 m | |
explosionRange | 15000 m | |
detonationRange | 35 m | |
EM damage | 7 HP | |
Explosive damage | 7 HP | |
Kinetic damage | 7 HP | |
Thermal damage | 7 HP | |
Used with (Launcher Group) | Missile Launcher Bomb | |
Primary Skill required | Bomb Deployment | |
Armor Hitpoints | 240 HP | |
requiredSkill1Level | 4 | |
Maximum Flight Time | 7500 s | |
Tech Level | 1 Level | |
structureUniformity | 1 | |
Signature Radius | 400 m | |
Meta Level | 0 Level | |
aimedLaunch | 1 | |
Explosion Radius | 400 m | |
Banned in Empire Space | 1 | |
remoteResistanceID | Capacitor Warfare Resistance |