Item details - OLD Tengu Offensive - Magnetic Infusion Basin
OLD Tengu Offensive - Magnetic Infusion Basin
This subsystem is obsolete and has been replaced by newer technology

This subsystem serves as a specialized storage bin for a ship's hybrid ammo. The basin, however, also serves as a cyclotron, infusing the ammo with magnetic energy immediately before it is injected into the turret. The amplified ammo has an increased range and damage potential.

Subsystem Skill Bonus:
5% bonus to medium hybrid turret damage per level
20% bonus to medium hybrid turret optimal range per level
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 800,000 kg
Volume 40 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Structure Hitpoints 40 HP
Powergrid Output 365 MW
CPU Output 0 tf
Primary Skill required Caldari Offensive Systems
requiredSkill1Level 1
Drone Capacity 0 m3
Tech Level 3 Level
Capacitor Capacity 450 GJ
Meta Level 1 Level
Drone Bandwidth 0 Mbit/sec
subSystemSlot 128
Turret Hardpoint Modifier 5 +
Launcher Hardpoint Modifier 0 +
High Slot Modifier 5 +
Medium Slot Modifier 1 +
Low Slot Modifier 0 +
Restricted to Ship Type Tengu
subsystemBonusCaldariOffensive 20
subsystemBonusCaldariOffensive2 5
covertCloakCPUPenalty 10000
Module or subsystem is obsolete 1
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio