Item details - Civilian Scourge Light Missile
Civilian Scourge Light Missile
From its humble beginnings in tiny Minmatar design labs, the Scourge light missile has quickly established itself throughout the star cluster as a premier missile for light launchers.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 700 kg
Volume 0.015 m3
Baseprice 500 ISK
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance 0.800000011920929 %
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance 1 %
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance 1 %
Structure EM Damage Resistance 1 %
aoeDamageReductionSensitivity 5.5
aoeDamageReductionFactor 0.6039999723434448
aoeFalloff 1500
Explosion Radius 40 m
Explosion Velocity 170 m/sec
aimedLaunch 1
Meta Level 0 Level
Structure Hitpoints 60 HP
Maximum Velocity 3750 m/sec
Inertia Modifier 0.00014449800073634833 x
detonationRange 35 m
EM damage 0 HP
Explosive damage 0 HP
Kinetic damage 55 HP
Thermal damage 0 HP
Used with (Launcher Group) Missile Launcher Light
Maximum Flight Time 5000 s
Tech Level 1 Level
structureUniformity 1
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio