YC118 Succession Trial Champion's Decree – House Sarum
Issued by Lord Merimeth Sarum, this decree was broadcast across the empire, and bears the seal of the Sarum family. The text reads: “By ancient trial of fire and blood in the YC118 Amarr Championships I, Lord Merimeth Sarum, Heir of House Sarum, do affirm the selection of capsuleer pilot call signed “Mitara Newelle” as my champion and representative during the YC118 Imperial Succession Trials. This decree grants my champion Ladyship within the Sarum Family, along with title and estate as Holder on Sarum Prime III, in the Imperial system of Sarum Prime.” |
Cargo capacity | 0 m3 | |
Mass | 0 kg | |
Volume | 0.01 m3 | |
Baseprice | 0 ISK |