Item details - Zydrine
Only found in huge geodes; rocks on the outside with crystal-like quartz on the inside. The rarest and most precious of these geodes are those that contain the dark green zydrine within. Very rare and very expensive.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:

0.0 security status solar system or lower:
Bistot, Monoclinic Bistot, Triclinic Bistot
Crokite, Sharp Crokite, Crystalline Crokite

0.2 security status solar system or lower:
Hedbergite, Vitric Hedbergite, Glazed Hedbergite
Hemorphite, Vivid Hemorphite, Radiant Hemorphite

0.4 security status solar system or lower:
Jaspet, Pure Jaspet, Pristine Jaspet
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 0 kg
Volume 0.01 m3
Baseprice 2,048 ISK
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio