Item details - 50000MN Microwarpdrive II
50000MN Microwarpdrive II
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint.

Penalty: Max capacitor reduced.

Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 1,000 kg
Volume 4000 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Activation Cost 11000 GJ
Structure Hitpoints 40 HP
Maximum Velocity Bonus 510 %
Powergrid Usage 80000 MW
CPU usage 100 tf
Activation time / duration 20000 s
Capacitor Capacity Bonus 0.800000011920929 %
Primary Skill required High Speed Maneuvering
requiredSkill1Level 4
Tech Level 2 Level
Signature Radius Modifier 500 %
Thrust 1500000000 N
speedBoostFactorCalc 0.009999999776482582
speedBoostFactorCalc2 1
Meta Level 5 Level
Reactivation Delay 0 s
maxGroupActive 1
Mass Addition 500000000 kg
deadspaceUnsafe 1
heatAbsorbtionRateModifier 0.03999999910593033
Heat Damage 6 HP
Required Thermodynamics Level 1 Level
Overload Speed Bonus 50 %
Can be fitted to Carrier
Can be fitted to Dreadnought
Can be fitted to Force Auxiliary
Can be fitted to Supercarrier
Can be fitted to Titan
Can be fitted to Capital Industrial Ship
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio