'Excavator' Ice Harvesting Drone
“Reverse-engineering of the active specimens collected last quarter in U-FQ21 has proven even more fruitful than initially projected. We estimate completion of a shippable product within the next [REDACTED]. Disruption to this project during the ownership transfer has been minimal, largely due to the location of primary development at our facility in [REDACTED]. These machines have evolved incredible harvesting capabilities during their period of isolation. Our teams encountered signs of [REDACTED] during the latest expedition, which led them to suspect the potential of [REDACTED] within infested regions. Although this hypothesis may explain the scale of unrestricted drone mineral harvesting, it does raise serious questions concerning [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. The Directive Omega-One-Five Compliance Report awaits [REDACTED] and will be sent to the [REDACTED] list.” Yarnen Haura, ORE Special Research Liaison Project Reaper Quarterly Report Insufficient clearance for unredacted access. Please contact the Department of Friendship and Mutual Assistance if you are receiving this message in error. |
Cargo capacity | 0 m3 | |
Mass | 0 kg | |
Volume | 1100 m3 | |
Baseprice | 0 ISK |
Structure Hitpoints | 1500 HP | |
Maximum Velocity | 90 m/sec | |
Optimal Range | 5000 m | |
Capacitor Recharge time | 2500000 s | |
Damage Modifier | 1 x | |
Activation time / duration | 310000 s | |
Mining amount | 1000 m3 | |
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance | 1 % | |
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance | 1 % | |
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance | 1 % | |
Structure EM Damage Resistance | 1 % | |
uniformity | 0.75 | |
Activation proximity | 250 m | |
orbitRange | 200 | |
Primary Skill required | Ice Harvesting Drone Operation | |
Secondary Skill required | Ice Harvesting | |
Tertiary Skill required | Drones | |
Maximum Locked Targets | 8 | |
RADAR Sensor Strength | 0 points | |
Ladar Sensor Strength | 0 points | |
Magnetometric Sensor Strength | 1 points | |
Gravimetric Sensor Strength | 0 points | |
Shield Capacity | 1500 HP | |
Armor Hitpoints | 1000 HP | |
Armor EM Damage Resistance | 0.3199999928474426 % | |
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance | 0.7200000286102295 % | |
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance | 0.6000000238418579 % | |
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance | 0.5199999809265137 % | |
Shield EM Damage Resistance | 0.800000011920929 % | |
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance | 0.4000000059604645 % | |
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance | 0.47999998927116394 % | |
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance | 0.6399999856948853 % | |
requiredSkill1Level | 5 | |
requiredSkill2Level | 4 | |
requiredSkill3Level | 1 | |
Tech Level | 2 Level | |
Shield recharge time | 2000000 s | |
Capacitor Capacity | 1 GJ | |
shieldUniformity | 0.75 | |
armorUniformity | 0.75 | |
structureUniformity | 1 | |
Signature Radius | 200 m | |
Meta Level | 8 Level | |
Bandwidth Needed | 25 Mbit/sec | |
Quaternary Skill required | Ice Harvesting Drone Specialization | |
requiredSkill4Level | 1 | |
metaGroupID | 4 | |
fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance | 1 % |