Dread Guristas Standup Variable Spectrum ECM
The Standup Variable Spectrum ECM is an electronic warfare system designed for rapid switching of the sensor spectrum being targeted by jamming pulses. The system uses Standup brand spectrum switching scripts to give structure operators the great flexiblity when using the Variable Spectrum ECM. The system may be installed as a module in Upwell technology structures. Standup is a proprietary system that uses a Structure Autonomous Nanoassembly Device (Upwell) containing integrated template software, a nanoassembler array and sufficient nanomass to enable the construction of a variety of service modules, structure modules and structure rigs when inserted into the appropriate slots on a structure built with Upwell technology. |
Cargo capacity | 1 m3 | |
Mass | 500 kg | |
Volume | 4000 m3 | |
Baseprice | 0 ISK |
Activation Cost | 3000 GJ | |
Structure Hitpoints | 40 HP | |
Powergrid Usage | 50000 MW | |
CPU usage | 4000 tf | |
Optimal Range | 97500 m | |
Activation time / duration | 20000 s | |
Charge size | 1 | |
Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength | 39 | |
Ladar ECM Jammer Strength | 39 | |
Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength | 39 | |
RADAR ECM Jammer Strength | 39 | |
Tech Level | 1 Level | |
Used with (Charge Group) | Structure ECM script | |
Meta Level | 8 Level | |
Can be fitted to | Medium Citadel | |
Can be fitted to | Assembly Array | |
Can be fitted to | Drilling Platform | |
metaGroupID | 4 | |
Reload Time | 0.009999999776482582 s | |
Effectiveness Falloff | 97500 m | |
remoteResistanceID | ECM Resistance | |
structureItemVisualFlag | 1 |