Item details - Industrial Cynosural Field Generator
Industrial Cynosural Field Generator
Generates a cynosural field for jump drives to lock on to as their target destination. Industrial Cynosural Fields are specifically attuned to support the jump drives of Jump Freighters.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 0 kg
Volume 25 m3
Baseprice 15,626,500 ISK
Structure Hitpoints 999999 HP
Maximum Velocity Bonus -100 %
Powergrid Usage 20 MW
CPU usage 50 tf
Activation time / duration 600000 s
Primary Skill required Cynosural Field Theory
requiredSkill1Level 1
Tech Level 1 Level
Meta Level 0 Level
Reactivation Delay 30000 s
Consumption Type Liquid Ozone
Consumption Quantity 800 units
maxGroupActive 1
deadspaceUnsafe 2
siegeModeWarpStatus 100
disallowEarlyDeactivation 1
canCloak 0
Disallow Activation In Warp 1
jumpHarmonics 1
Can be fitted to Industrial
Can be fitted to Blockade Runner
Can be fitted to Deep Space Transport
Can be fitted to Venture
maxVelocityLimited 1
Maximum Velocity Limitation 500 m/sec
Disallow Tethering 1
Disallow Docking 1
cynosuralFieldSpawnRadius 5000 m
Uses Industrial Cynosural Field Technology 1
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio