Item details - Faded Hypnosian Eristikon
Faded Hypnosian Eristikon
Heavily upgraded and well-equipped Sleeper drones of many different configurations have been detected accompanying Drifter raiding parties in Triglavian space. While unlikely to be as capable as Drifter vessels, the Sleeper drones they control should not be taken lightly as they can strike in large numbers and include designs that rival line battleships in power.
Cargo capacity 120 m3
Mass 19,000,000 kg
Volume 19000000 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Mass 19000000 kg
Structure Hitpoints 3750 HP
charge 0 GJ
Maximum Velocity Bonus -7 %
Maximum Velocity 675 m/sec
Capacity 120 m3
Rate of fire 5000 s
Optimal Range 50000 m
Capacitor Recharge time 1000000 s
Damage Modifier 24.3 x
Inertia Modifier 0.1 x
Maximum Targeting Range 100000 m
Neutralization Amount 77 GJ
EM damage 40 HP
Explosive damage 0 HP
Kinetic damage 0 HP
Thermal damage 40 HP
Accuracy falloff 100000 m
Turret Tracking 0.05
Volume 19000000 m3
radius 350
Maximum Locked Targets 4
maxAttackTargets 1
RADAR Sensor Strength 30 points
Ladar Sensor Strength 30 points
Magnetometric Sensor Strength 30 points
Gravimetric Sensor Strength 30 points
Missile Damage Bonus 4.2 x
propulsionGraphicID 397
gfxTurretID 4049
gfxBoosterID 397
entityAttackRange 330000
entityLootCountMin 1
Security Status Kill Amount 0 %
Armor Hitpoints 8000 HP
Armor EM Damage Resistance 0.35 %
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance 0.35 %
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance 0.35 %
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance 0.35 %
entityFlyRange 19000
entityEquipmentMin 6
entityEquipmentMax 8
entityReactionFactor 0.85
entityAttackDelayMin 5000
entityAttackDelayMax 8000
Capacitor Capacity 3300 GJ
shieldUniformity 1
Rate of fire 18000 s
entityMissileTypeID Phantasmata Missile
Orbit Velocity 75 m/sec
armorUniformity 0.75
structureUniformity 1
Signature Radius 400 m
entityFactionLoss 0.101545322
entitySecurityMaxGain 0
Scan Resolution 130 mm
entityChaseMaxDelay 5000
entityChaseMaxDelayChance 0
entityChaseMaxDuration 10000 s
entityChaseMaxDurationChance 1
Signature Resolution 400 m
entityArmorRepairDuration 15000
entityGroupRespawnChance 1
Missile Velocity Bonus 1.5 x
Missile Flight Time Bonus 1.5 x
entityChaseMaxDistance 20900 m
entityBracketColour 1
Disallows Assistance 1
Explosion Radius Bonus 0.7541 %
Explosion Velocity Bonus 1.4918 %
entityArmorRepairDelayChanceLarge 0
activationBlockedStrenght 1
effectDeactivationDelay 5000
AI_ShouldUseTargetSwitching 1
AI_ShouldUseSecondaryTarget 1
AI_ShouldUseSignatureRadius 1
AI_ChanceToNotTargetSwitch 0 %
AI_ShouldUseEffectMultiplier 1
entityOverviewShipGroupId Battleship
Damage Delay 3000 s
entitySuperWeaponDuration 3000
entitySuperWeaponEmDamage 20000
entitySuperWeaponKineticDamage 20000
entitySuperWeaponThermalDamage 1000
entitySuperWeaponExplosiveDamage 1000
entitySuperWeaponMaxRange 100000
entitySuperWeaponFallOff 100000
entitySuperWeaponTrackingSpeed 0.132
entitySuperWeaponOptimalSignatureRadius 125
behaviorWebifierDuration 2500 s
behaviorWebifierRange 10000 m
behaviorWebifierFalloff 0 m
behaviorWebifierDischarge 0 GJ
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration 5000 s
behaviorWarpScrambleRange 7000 m
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge 0 GJ
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength 1
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration 10000 s
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange 70000 m
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff 6000 m
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge 0 GJ
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio