Item details - Interfering Phase-IV Legionary
Interfering Phase-IV Legionary
Independent rogue drone swarms have been detected in Triglavian space, showing no fear or favor to the Triglavian Collective, EDENCOM or any other parties they encounter. These rogue drone swarms include a large number of advanced types and even include the so-called "Overmind" classes of rogue drones.

A distinct social hierarchy is not unusual in rogue drone hives and swarms, but the "Unshackled Overminds" appear to have developed a very sophisticated variant. CONCORD theorists from the Directive Omega-One-Five Section have speculated that exposure to Triglavian information warfare and subsequent adaptation to it has resulted in accelerated evolution within these rogue drone swarms.
Cargo capacity 480 m3
Mass 11,852 kg
Volume 10 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Mass 11851.85185 kg
Structure Hitpoints 400 HP
charge 0 GJ
Maximum Velocity Bonus 0.63 %
Maximum Velocity 2000 m/sec
Capacity 480 m3
Rate of fire 6000 s
Optimal Range 2666.666667 m
Capacitor Recharge time 2500000 s
Damage Modifier 2.5 x
Inertia Modifier 1 x
Maximum Targeting Range 30000 m
Armor Hitpoints Repaired 20 HP
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance 1 %
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance 1 %
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance 1 %
Structure EM Damage Resistance 1 %
EM damage 6.666666667 HP
Explosive damage 6.666666667 HP
Kinetic damage 6.666666667 HP
Thermal damage 6.666666667 HP
Accuracy falloff 24000 m
Turret Tracking 217.6
Volume 10 m3
radius 40
Maximum Locked Targets 8
RADAR Sensor Strength 40 points
Ladar Sensor Strength 0 points
Magnetometric Sensor Strength 0 points
Gravimetric Sensor Strength 0 points
gfxBoosterID 397
Shield Capacity 266.6666667 HP
shieldCharge 0
Armor Hitpoints 666.6666667 HP
Armor EM Damage Resistance 0.4 %
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance 0.4 %
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance 0.3 %
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance 0.3 %
Shield EM Damage Resistance 0.4 %
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance 0.4 %
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance 0.3 %
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance 0.3 %
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus -6.3 %
Falloff Bonus -6.3 %
Optimal Range Bonus -6.3 %
Shield recharge time 900000000000 s
Bounty 0
Capacitor Capacity 1706.666667 GJ
shieldUniformity 1
Orbit Velocity 1000 m/sec
armorUniformity 1
structureUniformity 1
Missile Velocity Bonus -6.3 %
Signature Radius 66.66666667 m
Signature Radius Modifier 6.3 %
entityFactionLoss 0.059459459
Scan Resolution 4000 mm
Scan Resolution Bonus -6.3 %
entityChaseMaxDelay 1
entityChaseMaxDelayChance 0
entityChaseMaxDuration 6000 s
entityChaseMaxDurationChance 1
Signature Resolution 40000 m
entityChaseMaxDistance 8000 m
Tracking Speed Bonus -6.3 %
Explosion Velocity Bonus -6.3 %
Explosion Radius Bonus -6.3 %
fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance 1 %
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration 2000 s
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange 7000 m
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff 10000 m
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge 0
behaviorWebifierDuration 5000 s
behaviorWebifierRange 10500 m
behaviorWebifierFalloff 0 m
behaviorWebifierDischarge 0 GJ
npcGuidanceDisruptorDuration 5000 s
npcGuidanceDisruptorRange 13333.33333 m
npcGuidanceDisruptorFalloff 6666.666667 m
npcGuidanceDisruptorDischarge 0 GJ
npcTrackingDisruptorDuration 5000 s
npcTrackingDisruptorRange 16000 m
npcTrackingDisruptorFalloff 8000 m
npcTrackingDisruptorDischarge 0 GJ
behaviorTargetPainterDuration 5000 s
behaviorTargetPainterRange 16000 m
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff 8000 m
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge 0 GJ
behaviorSensorDampenerDuration 5000 s
behaviorSensorDampenerRange 16000 m
behaviorSensorDampenerFalloff 8000 m
behaviorSensorDampenerDischarge 0 GJ
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange 2666.666667
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio