Item details - Wrathful Coercer
Wrathful Coercer
A Coercer destroyer charged with destroying any who are working on the behalf of the Amarr Emperess or her loyal subjects.

This vessel is piloted by masked members of the heretical Disciples of Purity. These conspirators hide their identities even from each other as they do whatever it takes to undermine the Empress and Amarr’s Heirs.
Cargo capacity 235 m3
Mass 2,860,000 kg
Volume 28600 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Mass 2860000 kg
Structure Hitpoints 700 HP
charge 0 GJ
Maximum Velocity 2000 m/sec
Capacity 235 m3
Rate of fire 1900 s
Optimal Range 20000 m
Capacitor Recharge time 500000 s
Damage Modifier 4.7 x
Inertia Modifier 1.8 x
Maximum Targeting Range 35000 m
EM damage 0 HP
Explosive damage 6 HP
Kinetic damage 0 HP
Thermal damage 10 HP
Accuracy falloff 5000 m
Turret Tracking 169
Volume 28600 m3
radius 144
Maximum Locked Targets 5
RADAR Sensor Strength 12 points
Ladar Sensor Strength 0 points
Magnetometric Sensor Strength 0 points
Gravimetric Sensor Strength 0 points
gfxTurretID 452
gfxBoosterID 394
Shield Capacity 800 HP
shieldCharge 0
Armor Hitpoints 3000 HP
Armor EM Damage Resistance 0.9 %
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance 0.54 %
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance 0.72 %
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance 0.45 %
Shield EM Damage Resistance 0.9 %
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance 0.54 %
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance 0.72 %
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance 0.45 %
Shield recharge time 300000 s
Bounty 15000
Capacitor Capacity 875 GJ
shieldUniformity 0.75
structureUniformity 1
Signature Radius 70 m
entityFactionLoss 0
Scan Resolution 656 mm
Signature Resolution 40000 m
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio