Kill details
Involved parties: 16
(16) Invictum.
(2) Feuer Schwerter
(6) Marine Spezial Kraefte
(3) Das Raumfahrer Syndikat
(4) Hydra Inc.
(1) Aegis Legion
(11) Cormorant
(1) Sabre
(1) Bifrost
(1) Stiletto
(1) Jackdaw
(1) Malediction
Inquisitor Voke
Feuer Schwerter
Cormorant (Destroyer)
Damage done:2792 (11.56%)
Tobi Chieve
Marine Spezial Kraefte
Cormorant (Destroyer)
Damage done:2731 (11.30%)
Elissa Forrester
Das Raumfahrer Syndikat
Cormorant (Destroyer)
Damage done:2559 (10.59%)
Kenjiro Kurita
Marine Spezial Kraefte
Cormorant (Destroyer)
150mm Railgun II
Damage done:2472 (10.23%)
Chris Cutter
Marine Spezial Kraefte
Cormorant (Destroyer)
Damage done:2416 (10.00%)
Kessy Kitty
Marine Spezial Kraefte
Cormorant (Destroyer)
Damage done:2328 (9.63%)
Palorie Amatin
Hydra Inc.
Cormorant (Destroyer)
Damage done:2297 (9.51%)
Niobe Maken
Hydra Inc.
Cormorant (Destroyer)
150mm Railgun II
Damage done:2018 (8.35%)
Happy Engelchen
Feuer Schwerter
Cormorant (Destroyer)
Damage done:1889 (7.82%)
Marine Spezial Kraefte
Cormorant (Destroyer)
Damage done:1502 (6.22%)
Randy Antollare
Hydra Inc.
Sabre (Interdictor)
Damage done:696 (2.88%)
VHSler 42nd
Marine Spezial Kraefte
Bifrost (Command Destroyer)
Caldari Navy Mjolnir Light Missile
Damage done:308 (1.27%)
Evira Ryuken
Das Raumfahrer Syndikat
Cormorant (Destroyer)
Damage done:154 (0.64%)
Das Raumfahrer Syndikat
Stiletto (Interceptor)
Domination Warp Disruptor
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Valla Deus
Hydra Inc.
Jackdaw (Tactical Destroyer)
Target Painter II
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Lara Sheppard
Aegis Legion
Malediction (Interceptor)
Warp Disruptor II
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Ship: Porpoise (Industrial Command Ship)
Location: U104-3 (0.0)
Date: 2018-04-14 20:42:59
ISK Loss at time of kill: 126,540,000
Total Damage Taken: 24,162
Location in System: 121M km from U104-3 IX
Small Tractor Beam I
Mining Foreman Burst II
Mining Foreman Burst II
Shield Command Burst I
Medium Shield Extender I
Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
EM Ward Amplifier II
Thermal Dissipation Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Kill verified
Ship details
High Slot High Slot Current Value
Small Tractor Beam I Small Tractor Beam I 1 3.54 M
Mining Foreman Burst II Mining Foreman Burst II 1 3.30 M
Mining Laser Optimization Charge Mining Laser Optimization Charge 300 149.10 K
Shield Command Burst I Shield Command Burst I 1 703.52 K
Shield Harmonizing Charge Shield Harmonizing Charge 192 112.90 K
Mining Laser Optimization Charge Mining Laser Optimization Charge 192 95.42 K
Mining Foreman Burst II Mining Foreman Burst II 1 3.30 M
Medium Slot Medium Slot Current Value
EM Ward Amplifier II EM Ward Amplifier II 1 1.36 M
Adaptive Invulnerability Field I Adaptive Invulnerability Field I 1 184.40 K
Medium Shield Extender I Medium Shield Extender I 1 46.04 K
Thermal Dissipation Amplifier II Thermal Dissipation Amplifier II 1 1.21 M
Low Slot Low Slot Current Value
Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II 2 3.27 M
Rig Slot Rig Slot Current Value
Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I 1 91.39 K
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II Medium Core Defense Field Extender II 2 53.96 M
Drone Bay Drone Bay Current Value
Valkyrie I Valkyrie I 2 85.21 K
Valkyrie I Valkyrie I 3 127.82 K
Cargo Cargo Current Value
Inferno Auto-Targeting Light Missile I Inferno Auto-Targeting Light Missile I 100 1.50 K
1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner 1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner 1 42.11 K
Clutch Restrained Warp Disruption Field Generator Clutch Restrained Warp Disruption Field Generator 1 4.83 M
Scourge Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I Scourge Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I 100 13.20 K
Carbonized Lead S Carbonized Lead S 100 500.00 ISK
Depleted Uranium M Depleted Uranium M 100 6.10 K
Umbra Scoped Radar ECM Umbra Scoped Radar ECM 1 20.71 K
Suppressed Targeting System I Suppressed Targeting System I 1 1.12 K
Carbonized Lead L Carbonized Lead L 100 1.70 K
'Malkuth' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I 'Malkuth' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I 1 41.62 K
250mm Light Prototype Siege Cannon 250mm Light Prototype Siege Cannon 1 23.80 K
Scourge Rocket Scourge Rocket 100 600.00 ISK
Mjolnir Heavy Missile Mjolnir Heavy Missile 100 16.50 K
Proton M Proton M 100 2.50 K
EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser 1 7.17 K
Phased Scoped Target Painter Phased Scoped Target Painter 2 20.96 K
Indirect Target Acquisition I Indirect Target Acquisition I 1 1.11 K
Limited Explosive Deflection Field I Limited Explosive Deflection Field I 1 55.10 K
F-23 Compact Remote Sensor Booster F-23 Compact Remote Sensor Booster 1 12.54 K
'Malkuth' Cruise Launcher I 'Malkuth' Cruise Launcher I 1 35.97 K
Metal Scraps Metal Scraps 9 10.43 K
Mjolnir Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I Mjolnir Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I 100 13.30 K
Phased Plasma S Phased Plasma S 100 2.90 K
Proton S Proton S 100 1.20 K
50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive 50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive 2 124.50 K
Large S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster Large S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster 1 735.12 K
1600mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates 1600mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates 1 1.15 M
Peripheral Compact Target Painter Peripheral Compact Target Painter 1 12.03 K
Reinforced Metal Scraps Reinforced Metal Scraps 1 5.40 K
Counterbalanced Compact Gyrostabilizer Counterbalanced Compact Gyrostabilizer 1 84.72 K
Small I-a Polarized Armor Regenerator Small I-a Polarized Armor Regenerator 1 4.71 K
Inferno Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I Inferno Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I 100 37.60 K
Medium I-a Polarized Armor Regenerator Medium I-a Polarized Armor Regenerator 1 33.42 K
Metal Scraps Metal Scraps 6 6.95 K
EMP M EMP M 100 17.10 K
Titanium Sabot M Titanium Sabot M 100 6.50 K
Depleted Uranium S Depleted Uranium S 100 1.40 K
Prototype Armor EM Hardener I Prototype Armor EM Hardener I 1 205.49 K
Fusion S Fusion S 100 3.40 K
Upgraded 'Malkuth' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I Upgraded 'Malkuth' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I 1 33.28 K
Upgraded 'Malkuth' Torpedo Launcher Upgraded 'Malkuth' Torpedo Launcher 1 21.53 K
F-23 Compact Remote Sensor Booster F-23 Compact Remote Sensor Booster 1 12.54 K
M51 Benefactor Compact Shield Recharger M51 Benefactor Compact Shield Recharger 1 4.26 K
Specialized Ore Hold Specialized Ore Hold Current Value
Gelidus Gelidus 14 3.10 M
Glare Crust Glare Crust 3 455.63 K
Dark Glitter Dark Glitter 1 246.00 K
Gelidus Gelidus 15 3.32 M
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices: 234,519,704.00
Top Damage Dealer
Final Blow
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio