Kill details
victim Victim: Raven Hawkeyes
Corp: Feuer Schwerter
Alliance: Invictum.
Involved parties: 1
Beer Fa1ry
Cohortes Triarii
Gnosis (Battlecruiser)
Infiltrator II
Damage done:49827 (100.00%)
Ship: Mobile Tractor Unit (Deployable Structure)
Location: 7L3-JS (0.0)
Date: 2018-05-10 09:11:44
ISK Loss at time of kill: 8,000,070
Total Damage Taken: 49,827
Location in System: 2.7 km from 7L3-JS III - Asteroid Belt 1
Kill verified
Ship details
Cargo Cargo Current Value
Medium Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster Medium Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster 1 22.09 K
Linked Enduring Remote Sensor Booster Linked Enduring Remote Sensor Booster 1 14.01 K
Fusion M Fusion M 100 7.50 K
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner 10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner 1 44.77 K
Carbonized Lead M Carbonized Lead M 100 2.00 K
Parallel Enduring Target Painter Parallel Enduring Target Painter 1 4.10 K
Initiated Compact Warp Disruptor Initiated Compact Warp Disruptor 1 29.67 K
'Malkuth' Heavy Missile Launcher I 'Malkuth' Heavy Missile Launcher I 1 16.65 K
Metal Scraps Metal Scraps 2 2.32 K
650mm Medium Prototype Siege Cannon 650mm Medium Prototype Siege Cannon 1 89.13 K
Medium I-a Polarized Armor Regenerator Medium I-a Polarized Armor Regenerator 1 33.42 K
Particle Bore Compact Mining Laser Particle Bore Compact Mining Laser 1 969.00 ISK
Nova Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I Nova Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I 100 11.50 K
720mm Prototype Siege Cannon 720mm Prototype Siege Cannon 1 113.36 K
50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 1 27.63 K
Mjolnir Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I Mjolnir Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I 100 13.30 K
41F Veiled Targeting Unit 41F Veiled Targeting Unit 1 608.00 ISK
Metal Scraps Metal Scraps 2 2.32 K
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices: 12,085,704.00
Top Damage Dealer
Final Blow
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio