Original Killmail
2012.04.28 02:55:00 Victim: Victoria Tzic Corp: Dreddit Alliance: Test Alliance Please Ignore Faction: None Destroyed: Thrasher System: Jita Security: 0.9 Damage Taken: 1890 Involved parties: Name: CONCORD Police Captain / CONCORD Damage Done: 923 Name: Sarah Jessica Porker Security: 0.9 Corp: UKOV25 Alliance: Shades of Gray Faction: None Ship: Thrasher Weapon: Thrasher Damage Done: 878 Name: Bob TSlob Security: -1.9 Corp: Greater Order Of Destruction Alliance: Happy Endings Faction: None Ship: Harpy Weapon: Harpy Damage Done: 89 Name: Vermona (laid the final blow) Security: 3.1 Corp: Feuer Schwerter Alliance: None Faction: None Ship: Thrasher Weapon: 280mm Howitzer Artillery II Damage Done: 0 Destroyed items: Gyrostabilizer II Sensor Booster I 280mm Howitzer Artillery I Republic Fleet Fusion S, Qty: 3 Dropped items: Gyrostabilizer II Sensor Booster I, Qty: 2 Scan Resolution Script, Qty: 3 280mm Howitzer Artillery I, Qty: 6 Republic Fleet Fusion S, Qty: 4