Pilot details - Juhxiux Yotosala
portrait Corporation: Perkone
Alliance: None
Kills: 89
Real kills: 85
Losses: 0
ISK destroyed: 37.84B
ISK lost: 0B
Chance of enemy survival: 0%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 100%
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Infinity Space.
Geminate, BWF-ZZ (0.0)
I: 30 C: 0
Republic Fleet Firetail
Test Alliance Please Ignore
Vale of the Silent, Y-ZXIO (0.0)
I: 60 C: 0
Vigil Fleet Issue
Test Alliance Please Ignore
Vale of the Silent, Y-ZXIO (0.0)
I: 29 C: 0
Imperial Navy Slicer
Test Alliance Please Ignore
Vale of the Silent, Y-ZXIO (0.0)
I: 43 C: 0
10 Most recent losses

No data.

Kill points
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio