Item details - Worm
Korako 'The Rabbit' Kosakami, Gurista leader, has a particular love for stealing the Caldari's ship designs, souping them up, and turning them on their creators. With the Worm, he has taken the Merlin design so familiar to Caldari pilots and turned it into a defensive powerhouse capable of firing its volleys at terrifying speeds.

Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
10 % bonus to kinetic and thermal missile damage

Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
4 % bonus to all shield resistances

Role Bonus:
300 % bonus to Light Combat Drone damage and hitpoints

Armor Hitpoints 500 HP
Armor EM Damage Resistance 50 %
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance 10.000002384186 %
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance 25 %
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance 44.999998807907 %
Shield Capacity 830 HP
Shield recharge time 625000 s
Shield EM Damage Resistance 0 %
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance 50 %
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance 39.999997615814 %
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance 19.999998807907 %
Cargo capacity 130 m3
Mass 981,000 kg
Volume 16500 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
High Slots 3
Medium Slots 4
Low Slots 2
Rig Slots 3
Calibration 350 points
Drone Bandwidth 10 Mbit/sec
Launcher Hardpoints 3 hardpoints
Turret Hardpoints 0 hardpoints
Powergrid Output 40 MW
CPU Output 160 tf
Maximum Targeting Range 30000 m
Scan Resolution 650 mm
Maximum Locked Targets 5
RADAR Sensor Strength 0 points
Ladar Sensor Strength 0 points
Magnetometric Sensor Strength 0 points
Gravimetric Sensor Strength 15 points
Signature Radius 40 m
Tech Level 1 Level
Darkside theme by J nx and Trent Angelus, Converted to EDK4 by Vecati
from DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio